Sticky Fingers

A Tribute To Forever Friends

Today is May 20, 2013.  Two years ago today, one of the kindest and most beautiful women I have ever known, Bianca Mathew, was taken from this world.  In respect to Bonk’s optimism and positivity, I try to use this day, not only to remember the friend I have lost, but to reflect on the amazing people I have been so blessed to have met throughout my life.


Before nursing school took over my life, I was fortunate to form life-long friendships as a child in New York, in high school, and the first two years of college.  Jane is my oldest and dearest friend.  We met when we were in diapers and have managed to keep our friendship strong, despite my move from New York to California.  As a new student and a freshman in high school, I met Shivani, Mishika, and Pooja.  They were my first legitimate clique (we called ourselves “STaMP”).  We still keep in touch over the phone and meet up whenever we have breaks from school.  Through participation in the youth ministry at my church, I met Bianca, Catherine, Primo, and Maria.  They have been an amazing support system and I visit whenever possible.  While dancing with the Xpressions dance company and acting on the Indian club board in high school, I became close with Divya and Sushma.  We came to college together and they have put up with all of my wackiness ever since.  As a freshman in college, I bonded with my hallmates, especially Grace, Aman, and Shamim.  Shamim has been my partner in crime for the past four years and I cannot imagine my college life without all of our shenanigans.

Junior year of college represented a shift from “normal friends” to “NURSING friends”.  Although the quality of friendship is as awesome, there is a difference because of all the trials and tribulations of nursing school that we have to survive together.  My friends have always been understanding of my crazy schedule and workload.  It took me two months to see Shamim at the beginning of my senior year because of lecture, clinicals, and care plans!  I have heard stories of how friendships deteriorated because people were less understanding.  I am glad I have never had to experience that misfortune.  Luckily, nursing school did not bring a demise in friendships, but brought about the formation of another clique of friends that I know will last forever.

At the beginning of junior year, all of us nursing students were filtered from the hundreds of biology students into a room of about 54 students.  Within these 54 students, I already knew Grace, my roommate from freshman year.  Through excitement over our new nursing fraternity and other randomness, we met Caroline, Neenah, Julie, Connie, Lisa, Cecilia, and Ethan.

nursing girls

Over the last two years we have grown closer each and every day.  We struggled through human anatomy, pathophysiology, and pharmacology together.  We made sure we were awake and in lecture.  We drove to each other’s apartments to make sure another didn’t fall asleep writing their paper.  We have explored our fattiness together, trying new food like hot pot, sushi, dim sum, boba, etc.  We helped each other write nursing diagnoses for care plans.  We partied in Vegas together.  We have shared numerous grossly exciting nursing stories.  We have given each other advice and support throughout all the ups and downs of nursing school.  I cannot imagine the past two years without the laughter (especially Neenah’s) and smiles that these people have brought to my life.  I can’t think of anyone else (besides the boyfriend) I’d rather spend hours on end with every week.

In about 25 days we will be graduating from college and nursing school will be over.  I am confident that we will keep in touch and help each other continue to grow into amazing nurses.  I am so thankful to have met such genuine people (shoutout to Jaydee!) throughout my life and am excited to see where life will take us all.

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